Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Famous criminal of Germany

Peter Kürten ( may 26, 1883-july 2, 1931)
Peter Kürten was a German serial murderer known as "The Vampire of ¨Dusserdolf. He committed a lot of crimes, assaults and murders against adults and children.
Kürten was born in Mulheim in a bg family of 13 children. When he was a child, he witnessed his alcoholic father abusing sexually of hid mother and sister. Maybe, these kind of bad teachings affected the Kürten's behaviour and because of that, he became a murder.
As Kürten had a bad education, he committed his first murder at the age of 9, drowning two young friends while swimming. Then, he moved to Dusserdorf with his family in 1894 and there he received a lot of sentences for various crimes including petty theft and arson.
Furthermore, he committed his first murder in 1913, when he strangled a young girl during a burglary. But, in this year, he was sentenced to eight years in prison. In 1921, he left prison and went to Altenburg where he married.
In addition, Kürten committed a lot of crimes. Any of these are: on february 18, 1929 he assaulted a woman amd murdered a girl of eight years old; on february 13, he killed a mechanic; on august 21, he murdered two sisters of five and fourteen years old; on august 23, he stabbed a woman; on october, he attacked two women with a hammer; on november 7, he killed a girl of five years old. There are more murders that Kürten committed ij this year, but in 1930 he confessed his crimes to his wife and told her to inform the police. On may 24 of this year, he was arrested.
Finally, Kürten confessed to 79 offenses and was charged with nine murders and other crimes. He went to trial on april 1931 and he was sentenced to death.
Kürten killed people because he wanted and he did'nt any reason to commit these murders. Perhaps, the bad education that he had in his childhood was one of the cuases that contributed to his stranger bevaviour. Nevertheless, he never said why he committed these crimes.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

BiOgRaPhY: AlBeRt EiNsTeIn

Albert Einstein was one of the greatest minds in world history. He was born on march 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany. His parents were Pauline and Hermann Einstein and they didn't have any knowledge in the areas of math or science. Eisntein was a brilliant physicist who contributed to the science more than any other person.

First of all, Einstein in his childhood was a very curious kid that showed a little aptitude for anything. But when he was a teenarger, he prefered to teach himself advanced mathematics and science. Then, at the age of 16, Einstein went to Aarau, Switzerland to finish high school. HE graduated from high school at the age of 17.

Furthermore, Albert Eisntein's most contribution to the world was the theory of relativity. By 1902, he was 26 years old and he was working on combining time and space, matter and energy. The greatest results of this theory was the famous Einstein's relation E=mc2. In this equation, he was able to prove that any increase in the energy, Em, of a body, must lead to an increase in its mass, m, and these increases are related by a factor c2, where c represents the velocity of light squared.

In 1914, Einstein went to Berlin as a professor and then he accepted an special job as a theacher at the University of Berlin. Also, Albert Einstein's most famous writing was a letter written to president Franklin Roosvelt on august 2, 1939. The letter was about an atomic bomb.

In addition, Albert Einstein was married with a woman called Mileva and they had a daughter. The baby daughter was give up in adoption shortly afnter her birth. They Also had two sons that they kept. In 1919, Albert and Mileva were divorce. The same year, Albert married his cousin Elsa Einstein.

Finally, the death of Albert Einstein was on april 18, 1955 in Princeton, New Yersey. After a long disease, he died when he was sleep. The listed cause of his death wasd a rupture in an artery of his heart. his brain was donated to science and his body was cremated.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Seven new deadly sins

First of all, the list of the new deadly sins, was published in L'observatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper. Some of the new deadly sins are drug dealing, to be obscenely rich, environmental pollution and genetic manipulation. If you commit any of this sins, you may be in danger of losing your soul unless you repent.

Im Germany, there is not some pollution and genetic manipulation is prohibited because if a law.
Nevertheless, the number of drug pushers has increasing in some cities of Germany. Drug abuse is one of the principal problems in many german communities. Some of the consequences that generate this situation are treating addicts and violence between communities.

Moreover, victims of drug abuse suffer medical and pshycological effects on themselves. Drug dealing can causes addiction and when it happens, is very difficult to combat this effects because addicts cannot function as normal members of society. Medical and psycological effects causes on addicts an agressive behaviour and it generates a lot of conflicts between german communities.
In addition, victimis of drug abuse leave behind their families and their friends and because if that, they contribute to the violence on society. In Germany, there are a high index of delinquency.

To sum up, I consider that drug abuse must be a deadly sin becauyse it can generates some problems on society and it affects the harmony of families. German families have a lot of values, but this kind of problems causes the lost of this values.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Family values in Germany

Germany is a legally and socially tolerat country. Homosexuals unions have been permitted since 2001. Gays and lesbians can legally adopt their partner's biological children. Is a liberated country.
Immigration continues to be a concern of both economic and sociak importance. Germany has always a society with a cosiderate rate of immigration.
There are a little discrimination with the peolple of blach race. Is one of the most huge problems that have the society of Germany.
Some german states have banned muslim teachers. Also, in Germany are prohibited the use of religious symbols.
About the family, generally in Germany the father is the head of the family. Both parents often work and is not common large families, even in rural areas. Eventualy, families have one or two children. Society of Germany has a variety of lifestyles and the most traditional family values are responsability and achievement.
On the other hand thoughout the decades, Germany has presented a high percent of divorces. For example, in 1992 the number of divorces amounted to only 10,000. In 1993, however, this number rose to 18,000, an increase of 78 percent.
The marriages between Germans and Foreigns are permitted. Most often German women married Americans, Italians, Turks, and Yugoslavs, and German men married Yugoslavs, Poles, Filipinos, and Austrians. In 1974 legislation was passed conferring automatic citizenship on children born of these unions.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Is obesity more dangerous than terrorism?

Thesis statement: "Peolple should focus their attention on the obesity epidemic and not on other threats like terrorism".

Obesity is a disease commonly defined as a high body mass index. It is popular in the United States where people exceed healthy limits because they focus their attention in other threats. Although, there are a lot of threats that affect the society, they should focus on their health firstly.

First of all, obesity is an individual clinical condition that can be mortal to the person who suffer it because it predisposes to various diseases such as diabetes, cancer or cardiovascular disease. Therefore, obesity epidemic kills millions of people each year in United States.
Moreover, obesity have psycologist consequences, ot only it affects the health. For example, the self-steem can be affected by this illness because maybe people who suffer obesity don't feel security of themselves because of their condition. Also, obesity have social consequences because in many cases fat people are rejected by "normal" people. Obeses have to hold the critics of the society. Because of that, obesity epidemic is considered a serious and growing public health problem, specially in United States where people ignore this kind of threats.

On the other hand, some americans think that there are most important threats than obesity. For example, terrorism and global warming. Since 2001, american goverment have been focus on figthing terrorism while obesity are killing millions of people. Americans think that terrorism is a terrible threat because it can damages the society. Also, they think terrorism represent more risks to them. They have remained really frightened since the attacks of september 11.

To sum up, I believe obesity should have more importance in United States. It is true that there are other threats that can damage the society but I think that people need good health to live and obesity don't allow us to be well. Also, this disease have killed millions of people around the world . So, we have to change that. As a student, I believe that we have to take care our health because this is the most important think that we have to preservate. Perhaps, there are other threats like terrorism but firstly we have to take care us and we will be safe. So if yo don't have good health, would you be well?