Monday, April 7, 2008

Seven new deadly sins

First of all, the list of the new deadly sins, was published in L'observatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper. Some of the new deadly sins are drug dealing, to be obscenely rich, environmental pollution and genetic manipulation. If you commit any of this sins, you may be in danger of losing your soul unless you repent.

Im Germany, there is not some pollution and genetic manipulation is prohibited because if a law.
Nevertheless, the number of drug pushers has increasing in some cities of Germany. Drug abuse is one of the principal problems in many german communities. Some of the consequences that generate this situation are treating addicts and violence between communities.

Moreover, victims of drug abuse suffer medical and pshycological effects on themselves. Drug dealing can causes addiction and when it happens, is very difficult to combat this effects because addicts cannot function as normal members of society. Medical and psycological effects causes on addicts an agressive behaviour and it generates a lot of conflicts between german communities.
In addition, victimis of drug abuse leave behind their families and their friends and because if that, they contribute to the violence on society. In Germany, there are a high index of delinquency.

To sum up, I consider that drug abuse must be a deadly sin becauyse it can generates some problems on society and it affects the harmony of families. German families have a lot of values, but this kind of problems causes the lost of this values.

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